CNC in the Workshop

CNC In The (Model Engineers’) Workshop



CNC in the (Model Engineers’) Workshop is a series published in the monthly magazine Model Engineers’ Workshop.

As that magazine series grows, and the number of instalments increases, this page provides a convenient jumping off point to the support materials for each episode.

December 2015 & January 2016 : Harley Fork Yoke

Following the Heel Guards with another motorcycle-related project, issues 237 and 238 contained details of the manufacture of a top fork yoke for a Harley Davidson custom bike.

The basic shapes used for the yoke are all quite straightforward, so the main challenges were posed by the thickness of the yoke (38mm) and the need to flip it over, then to turn it to stand upright to machine the pockets for the bolts. All of that needed to be done without losing registration. That allowed top and bottom features to be accurately registered, and for a narrow chamfer to be run right around the periphery.

This is another project which uses aluminium to good effect, although the finished yoke was eventually gold plated to suit the colour scheme of the bike (black, with white and gold highlights).

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What comes up next...

The next project is likely to be a cheek piece riser for a rifle. It’s another project which depends on being able to rotate the item from horizontal to vertical without losing track of the position of the CP in relation to the work.

These two projects are leading to another interesting destination, step by step.